The farmhouse is a cozy, newly remodeled home located within walking distance to the venue. The original home is over 100 years old, but with a handful of additions over the years, it still manages to warp into a beautifully unique space for each and every event.
The home features an open concept living, kitchen and dining room allowing parties to gather and share the day of preparation together. Adjacent to this space, is the sunroom prepared specially for wedding party preparations. Between the sunroom and venue, glass patio doors lead to quaint little patio which offers the perfect seating area for conversation under the shade of our lone oak tree. The room is surrounded by windows on three sides. This, in addition to skylights, offer perfect natural lighting favored in beauty prep to ensure the perfect look for pictures! There are five stations at our crystal lite counter - with mirrors, makeup mirrors, outlets, and adjustable height chairs - offering a gorgeous functional room to enjoy the wedding day with those you hold most dear.
The remainder of the house offers 4 bedrooms, 6 full or larger beds, and 2 new bathrooms each offering a simplistic unique farmhouse feel.
New heat and air conditioning will ensure comfort regardless of the season.
All guests are welcome to use the entire farmhouse as indicated in the investment package they choose.